My big day - graduation day @ world trade center, pasay

This is it! My big day! A week before graduation, I thought I won't meet the deadline for the candidacy for graduation, this week and the previous months has been hellish, but it's worth it because today is my graduation, and Yey! I'm a certified bachelor degree holder now! :D

I woke up late, (thank God it didn't rain!) because I can't sleep last night (excited? LOL) I don't have much time to fix myself because the car is already there, and I still have to put my make-up on.  Anyway, this is a graduation, not a party, so I decided to fix myself when I got at the venue later.

on our way to World Trade Center

The ceremony will start at exactly 8:00a.m., and we got there around half past 6a.m. (am i being too early? haha) mind you, there's already a traffic jam because they don't allow cars to be inside the center (that's why dad hired a cab.)

Yesterday during the rehearsal, we were advised that we shouldn't bring any bag inside because it is prohibited, and I don't know why on earth it is!  So if you saw that pink paper bag behind me (above), that causes the security personnel of the venue to argue with me.  She said that it is not allowed, and I said it's ok, I will just leave it to the table behind them.  She pushed me (yes, it's a SHE.)  and have my back pressed against the metal barrier.  It really pissed me off, so I just told the other security personnel to take care of my belongings.

Moving on, the ceremony is solemn than the other graduation ceremony that I attended few years ago.  I wasn't able to take pictures with my former classmates because frankly, I'm not in the mood, and i can guess that you know why.  

drat, what happened to my digicam? i looked like casper with a ceremonial robe!

A few photos for my classmates (they are not my real classmates since I transferred to the other block)

Block III
w/ Shar Lynn

After the ceremony, we will go to Duty Free 'cause dad just came home from abroad...

too tired!

